Friday, July 14, 2006

Garden of Eden

Flowers & Butterfly
Since we haven't spent the past few weekends at the "new' old house, the garden needed a lot of tending to. How is it that weeds always take on a life of their own? I spent a couple of hours digging, pulling weeds, and harvesting more carrots, squash and cucumbers. The corn is now about 6 ft tall, but the "tassles" haven't dropped yet. I wished I had my camera with me today... The zinnias are gorgeous and they attract a wide variety of butterflies.Butterfly 3 Beautiful.

Workout:Flexed Arm
One area of the garden didin't turn out. Either the birds got to the seeds or the batch wasn't good. So, no bell peppers. I ended up turning the soil over with just a shovel. I always get a good workout doing heavy duty yardwork

Breakfast was clean. I normally do 5 to 6 meals a day, but that didn't work out. I made a free meal out of my lunch today and had a Jack In The Box burger and onion rings... Dinner today will be out somewhere. Today is my FIL's 84th birthdayBirthday... There's some argument (not with me) about where to go eat. I'm not too keen on their choices, just because those particular places do nothing for me, but I'll just go with the flow.

Have a great weekend everyone!



KatieFeldmom said...

Katie was here.

Irene said...

Katie! Thanks for visiting!

Melissa said...

Well Happy Bday to your FIL! Hope you get to eat somewhere good. I've never been to Jack in the Box but I hear it's pretty good. ;)

Irene said...

Thanks Melissa! He's the one from Griswold, IA! JITB is okay, but my fav is In n' Out burgers....