Pictured on the right are the banners that have been posted all along the marathon route. They went up all over town about a month ago. I always get that rush of anticipation when those banners go up.
Recouping from surgery is amazingly exhausting. I never realized how tired the recouperation process can make a person. I do believe that keeping the right positive mental attitude is everything, and will help with the healing, however, being at home and attempting to do even some of the simplest things can wear me out. I'm good until the late afternoon, then I just want to crash, and that' s without needing pain medications. It's not like I'm trying to do much of anything, I'm just trying to walk around the house, do my PT exercises, get a little sun in the backyard, perhaps make the bed, get the mail, and check e-mails.
Yesterday's song:
Legs - ZZ Top - Diary of an Aspiring Loser
Your attitude is awesome Irene. Making the bed is highly overrated ..... skip that one tomorrow and the next day and then see how you feel.
i think you're right attitude is everything. i'm glad you're taking good care of yourself and acknowledging the challenging parts of this. you get to be human too. i'll look forward to some fun pics of near dead runners at the 23 mile mark. this will be an interesting new perspective for you i bet. i'm sure you'll be cheering them on to the finish!
i think the reason that it is so exhausting recouping from surgery is so that you don't over do it. it's your body's way of telling you to take it slow. :)
feel better.
It doesn't surprise me that you are tired - it takes a lot of energy to heal. And, I think you are absolutely right about staying positive. It sounds as though you are doing it too! Keep resting up, and healing up.
Appreciating your keeping on posting.. and your spirit.
With ongoing best wishes for you.
If I don't make the bed the cats will sleep in it and get hair everywhere... ;)
It is everything. There's plenty do be down about as it is. I'm OK dealing with this bump in the road.
23.5 miles is where people are really starting to feel fatigue, or hurt, or they're just trying to make it to the end. I'm also looking forward to seeing the elite runners, who I never see at races.
Amen! The second I feel tired I go rest. No use in fighting it. Thanks -- every day is a little better.
Michelle (BOP),
I'm amazed how it wears on a person. I did have a pretty big surgery (2 hours) so no wonder I'm tired! I just need to put it in perspective like that because they put me out for the surgery, and I woke up, as if I had just been put to sleep. It was weird.
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