After a couple of vicodin and a lot of sleep, I'm feeling better. I'm still sore but I don't need to walk with the help of walls and chairs. I feel exactly how I felt the day after I ran my very first marathon, which was stiff and every bodily movement was with great effort. The trick is to keep moving, because the minute I sit or lay down, the thigh/hip muscles get tight again. I've been icing my hips when I can, and that's helping. The mentally hard part is that I WAS listening to my body and how I felt when I was running on Saturday morning. I actually felt good until the muscles in the right thigh/hip cramped up, and it came on fast. I was paying attention to my electrolytes and water. As they say, hind sight is 20/20, and I probably should not have run at all on Saturday. I was tight, but not in pain. I thought the tightness would go away once I had warmed up. I digress. I'm one of those stubborn runners who's not going down without a fight.
Yesterday's song:Twisted - Carrie Underwood
Yeah I hear you on that! I have had to listen to my knee and back a LOT lately in terms of running and walking. I'll say to myself "come on it's another few yards" and then my back and knee start getting uppity and then, I eventually give in and realize that I should listen.
Sorry you're in so much pain though. Thankfully you're still not holding onto the chairs that much any more. I soooooo know that feeling!
Ow! I hope you get that massage soon.
Vicodin?! That's some serious pain you must be in. Hugging walls and downing pills is not a sign this is any ol' injury. Are you sure it's muscle and not bone? My hip fracture initially had the same symptoms as a groin pull. I'd hate for you to end up like me.
Ohhh, I love vicoden. But not the pain that leads you to take it. I'm sorry you're hurting. I hope now that you're resting you heal quickly. Are you going to see a sports therapist? Take care, k?
I hope you're feeling better now.
hope you're taking care of yourself and feeling better soon!
Luckily, we didn't have too much going on this weekend, so I rested.
I see the Dr. tonight, then I'll see how it goes. A massage sounds like a good thing, still.
Michael dug those out! It did help me rest though... I was pretty sore.
Once I see the Dr. tonight, then I'll see if I can get in with a sports massage person or sports medicine. I don't know if my insurance will cover sports medicine, though.
I feel a whole lot better than I did on Saturday!!!
I hope it heals quickly! Thanks
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