We finally had our family trip to Disneyland! My husband wanted to go to Disneyland for his birthday last month, but with everyone schedules we couldn't just pack everyone into a car and go. It took about a month to put in for time off, but we all took yesterday off from school and work, and made our way north to the magic kingdom. It was fun to watch 4 1/2 year old Evan experience Disneyland for the first time. The concept of waiting in line for a turn on a ride was new to him, and he was slightly antsy at first, but once he understood that the ride is fun and there OTHER rides just as fun, he quickly adjusted. He's just tall enough, at 40 inches high, to go on most of the rides. Favorite rides for Evan were the Pirates of the Caribbean and The Matterhorn. Autopia was also a winner. We have not been to Disneyland as a family in probably 12 years, and we did enjoy ourselves. My husband even treated us all to dinner at the Blue Bayou, the restaurant inside the Pirates of the Caribbean ride... It was a pricey meal, the food was actually very good, but the day was priceless... (Sorry, that sounded like one of those credit card commercials!) We opted to return back home last night instead of staying up there. It is only about an hour and a half drive for us, and my husband and I had a track club run the next morning. Disney pictures later, when my husband can retrieve the USB cable from the office. Oh yeah, I did OK hobbling around Disneyland on my gimpy leg.
We woke up early with just enough time to pick oranges off one of our trees, have some coffee, wolf down a little cereal and make it to the track club run just in time for the group picture. Since I'm still nursing my sore hip, I stayed back with one of the water stations and welcoming group/pot luck. It was a different perspective seeing the runners come in and cheering them on after their quick hydration stop. I was able to see many of the people I have run with, and how well they were doing. Today's run was 20 to 22 miles, and it was a big accomplishment for all of those who ran. It was also equally fun to cheer the runners in as they ran in for the finish. I'll post pictures when I get them from the track club site. I was also hooked up with a free pair of test running shoes. I guess Runner's World does a thing with our track club to test new shoes. When I went down to the table to inquire about a test pair of shoes, all the shoes were spoken for, EXCEPT for one pair, that just happened to be in my size and they're the type of shoe for my food. Score! They're Reebok Smoothfit Cushion. I've never worn Reebok running shoes before, so we'll see how they wear and ride! I also get to fill out a questionnaire to report on how I like the shoe for fit, wear, and performance. Cool!
There was an accident on the run, which shook up everyone in our running club family. One of our runners had a head on collision with a cyclist. It's not quite clear how it happened, but both the cyclist and our runner had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance. They say the cyclist had to be going about 25 mph, right into our runner. Some say our runner darted out, others say the cyclist was going too fast and should have been more mindful of the runner. I'm not sure who gets the right of way in this instance, but it was so unfortunate for this to happen. I'm not going to say the should have, would have, could have thing. It was an unfortunate accident that dropped all of our hearts into our stomachs when it happened. I hope our runner AND the cyclist will be OK.
Yesterday's song:
Mickey - Toni Basil
You'll be happy to hear Vicki's doing well. She broke her shoulder blade and has quite a few stitches in her head and arm, but she's in better spirits than this morning. I'm not sure about the cyclist, who must have hit the ground really hard as well. Word is he might have a spinal injury.
And, before I forget: THANK YOU! You did a superb job today. I truly couldn't have done it (especially cut all that fruit and pass out all those cards) without you.
The Disney trip sounds like it was a blast. Glad you were able to enjoy it with your family. Nothing like seeing it through the eyes of a child.
Hope the runner and the cyclist will both be ok and heal quickly.
PS Happy Mother's Day!
Thanks for the info! I hope she has a speedy recovery! I had a good time being on the other side of the table!
Disneyland was fun! It looks like the runner and cyclist will be OK,in time... Happy Mother's Day to you, too!
looking forward to d-land pix! sounds like a blast.
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