Spiders are industrious little creatures. I wiped spiderwebs and dust off of my grandson's outside toys just a few days ago, only to find spiderwebs on them again. This time I wiped off the webs and the spiders, hosed off everything, used soap, scrubbed and rinsed. Just so you know, spiders don't stick well to Dawn dish soap, and I used gloves, sticks, and long handled cleaning brushes. Even though spiders do have their place in our ecosystem, they just creep me out.

I was going through some pictures from the first cruise my husband and I went on. It was about 5 years ago, and I think that's at a turtle farm on Grand Cayman Island in the Bahamas. The thing that struck me is that I had some muscles going on in my arms, even though it doesn't show up in well the scanned picture. Where did my muscles go? There's always something to work on, and I know to get those arms back I need to do some heavier lifting. It's not gonna happen with high reps and low weights, which is all I can do right now. This picture got me thinking to how things were for me just 5 years ago. I was physically in the best shape of my life, and probably the most healthy I had ever been. I'd like to get back to that point again, preferably before 50, which is just about 9 months away. The whole injury/surgery thing really set me back. Prior to all of that, I was doing OK. I know I had things to work on, but I felt good. I'm not sure what steps I'll take to get back on track, but I know I need to stick with some plan. So much to ponder. So much to research. I did
Body For Life in the past, but since I really can't be doing high intensity interval training, I need to figure out something else. Nutrition is the easy part for me. It's the rearranging the weight training that will be the key. After my surgery several people told me that I would lose weight. I didn't lose weight. I didn't really gain weight, either. I only lost muscle. I know getting back to where I was just 5 years ago will take time.
Yesterday's song:Gotta Keep Moving - Kellie Pickler
Spiders give me the heebie-jeebies... I know they're "good" bugs, but they still make me shiver and yell for Walter to come deal with it.
It seems like there should be some sport's medicine therapist doctor person that Paul knows who can help you with your comeback. I'm sure you've looked into this, but I just thought I'd mention it.
system of a down?
spiders don't bug (hahaha) me much. the one i can't stand is ants. ICK!
This is a different stage for you. You had your whole thing interrupted. But I have no doubt you'll find something that works and get back to where you want to be. That's just who you are!!
AKA Alice,
Earwigs also creep me out. I put out a general post about needing a running coach when I get back into running. A couple of people from the track club offered to help.
Ants are just annoying... ;) There's never just one. Winner!
It's definitely a stage of change. I'm hopeful that everything will come out OK. Thanks. :)
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