Tuesday evening I went to an estate sale. One of my friends asked me to go with her, and I obliged. The home is in my neighborhood and we didn't have that far to go. The sale wasn't exactly open at the time but the owner was just anxious to let go of whatever she could sell, so she opened the house to my friend. This was agreed upon earlier in the day, since my friend couldn't stay at the estate sale at the earlier times. As we were looking around at the stuff and some passive conversation with the owner, I found out that the owner and her family knew my grandparents, my father and his siblings. This house she now owns originally belong to her grandparents. Her grandparents were best friends with mine. I remembered their last name, but just vaguely. She remembered attending a holiday dinner at my grandparent's house and how big of a deal it was. I don't remember her, but my grandparents were always inviting various friends to our family holiday dinners. She remembered my uncles and my father very well. Oh, and to top things off, my friend was a student of my uncle. It's such a small world. As for the sale, I purchased a couple of yards of fabric for $5.00. My friend bought a bunch of stuff and spent way more than I did. I already have plenty of junk, er, stuff of my own that I should get rid of.
There's plenty of random thoughts going around in my head, keeping me from sleeping. These thoughts are not earth shattering, I just have plenty to think about.

Yesterday's song:
Just Because - Jane's Addiction
Hi Irene...I've missed you. I hope all is well down South. Yeah...I've got some sleep issues too. You explained it perfectly. The mind just won't shut off.
I hope you are doing great...love ya girl-Dede
I too know what you mean. (Wish I didn't!) I may have to scale back my afternoon caffeine (although I really don't want to!). Hope you can sleep in today.
Sounds like your spirit was on a journey of memories. It happens now and then.
This week I have to attend to the attic a bit.. and it will engage me.
Yes, the world is such a small place isn't it?
Hope you were able to finally quiet the thoughts in your head and go to sleep. That happens to me alot too. I could be totally exhausted, but my brain won't shut off.
Good to see you! I've missed seeing you around here and on the blends site as well. I hope all is well for you, too. ;)
I don't know if it was because I ate too late or if meeting old family friends got me really thinking.
Perhaps you're right. Memories were triggered.
It boggles the mind how small the world can be. I slept like a rock last night!
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