Date: 09/19/08 11:43 AM
Distance: 2.15 miles
Time: 0:42:26
Speed: 3.0 mph
Pace: 20' 00 min/mile
Calories: 197
More walking was on the plan today. Other than a lost dog who barked at me and didn't want any assistance, and passing by a few runners, it was pretty uneventful... But you know what? Uneventful can be a wonderful thing. Life is good.
My lab results are complete, and I have an appointment with the endocrinologist on Tuesday morning. I was able to view my results on-line, but I honestly have no clue what the numbers mean. They do show what a normal range is, and my results all appear to be with in that normal range, but there may be more to those numbers than I know.
Yesterday's song:
Walking On Sunshine - Katrina and the Waves - Be A Good One

Hooray...walking two miles is a good thing!
It was a beautiful day today too...not too hot.
Glad everything appears to be 'normal.' And how weird -- I heard this song on the radio just yesterday. George Clinton and the Funkadelics.
AKA Alice,
Thanks for the encouragement! Yeah, hasn't the weather been great??? :)
I guess "normal" is all relative. I'll see what they have to say when I see the endocrinologist. Winner!!! My son is a George Clinton and the Funkadelics fan. ;)
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