New sneakers?
Favorite t-shirt with the Chevy on it?
Teeth brushed?
Obligatory first day of school picture?
Introducing yourself to your teacher and new classmates?
Check. No, wait... un-check that...
Today was the first day of Kindergarten for the grand kid. Everything went well except one thing. He told everyone that his name is Jacob. His name is actually Evan. I'm not sure what's up with the name thing, but it was kind of funny. He even had the teacher calling him Jacob. Luckily Mommy set the record straight.
Yesterday's song:
Stranger in Paradise - Tony Bennett
Oh my! How funny. Does he know a Jacob?
Jacob...that's too much. I'm sure he has a completely logical reason for the name-change too. LOL
Glad you're back!
Now I'm complete curious about the name-change. Of course, that's good blackmail for when he's older. ;)
HOW CUTE! And what a fun story for the future.
That's hilarious! He must think Jacob is a way cooler name than Evan. What a sweetie!
He kinda looks like a Jacob. That's too funny.
what a cutie! i wonder what made him choose jacob?
faith no more?
So funny. Jacob is a pretty popular name nowadays too so it's totally believable. Maybe it's after Jakob Dylan (who is in your sidebar) - ?
His best buddy is Jacob. :)
AKA Alice,
I'm not sure what's up with telling everyone his name is Jacob. He won't give us a straight answer.
Practice for possible future siblings? Because you know that the first ones you blame everything on is your sibling. Heh.
I think my daughter already wrote something about it in his baby book.
Michelle (BOP),
Jacob is a popular name for his age group. I can sort of understand because I wanted to be Cathy when I was little.
Perhaps he does look like a Jacob. To me, he looks a lot like my nephew, who is Brandon.
Winner! We know why he chose Jacob, we're just trying to figure out why he would introduce himself as Jacob. LOL.
It's coincidental that I put up Jakob Dylan on my sidebar. We're still laughing over the name thing!
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