Saturday, August 05, 2006

Unguarded Chocolate Chip Cookies are Easy Targets

Yes, that's a real song title...

There's no excuse not to bake cookies when it's hot! Check this link! Oh, I found this article link on Not Soccer Mom's blog

Not much going on today. Saturday, kickback day... Going to a house warming party tonight. No workout today.


FV Tom said...

OK, so I cheated and googled it. Their other song titles are hilarious. Do you have any of their music? What's it like?

Have fun.

Irene said...

I only have the one song. The song title and lyrics don't really go together, but, perhaps there's some hidden meaning... Their music genre was catagorized under "Punk." But they don't seem punk to me...

Irene said...

It was so hot that I suppose a person could bake just about anything in a car!
Thanks for the compliment! I love photography.

Kimberly said...

I loved the cucumbers before and after photos- too cool. I just picked some from my Mom's garden last night and they are so yummy!

As for the cookies, I've even heard of people roating meat in the engine- it's more of a slow roast on a long car trip, but still! Use the energy.

Irene said...

I've heard about the roasting, too. Creative minds at work...

Have you ever tried cucumber slices in a big glass of ice water? I love that!