The Silver Strand Half Marathon is now History. Rain was in the forecast but the weather was perfect for running - mid 50s at the start, the air was crisp with a light breeze, and partially cloudy. It never rained. The course was mostly flat, starting at the entry to the military base at the far northwest end of Coronado Beach at Sunset Park, just adjacent to dog beach. Most of the people I knew who said they were participating backed out due to injury or scheduling problems, but we did recognize a few people. One of my husband's employees and his friend were there, we spotted one of the Runningskirts.com twins, and we saw a bunch of people who we sort of knew from the San Diego Track Club.
This particular HM was unique because it highlights athletes with disabilities. There were several amputees participating. There was also a relay competition, a skater's division, and a "bike" division. Prior to the start of the race we were informed that there would be a film crew there, filming the HM in Imax for some sort of documentary on a well known athlete's life... I can't remember who the athlete is.

The majority of the route went along SR 75/Silver Strand State Beach with one incline that was an overpass. The race finished near the Pier in Imperial Beach.
At about mile 4 I found myself running along side a man who I finished the Balboa Park 8 mile run with. He remembered me. We ran the rest of that mile together, then we wished each other well, and he went ahead. I never saw him after that.
My time was 2:13:11 - about a 10:09 m/m pace, a PR!

While waiting in line to dine on bananas,oranges, fruit juice, bagels,water, etc, I saw a woman with a SDTC t-shirt on and asked her if she was in the San Diego Track Club. She said she was and I went on to tell her that I plan on joining them. We introduced ourselves, and Alexis and I chatted about SDTC events. As we chatted I found out that she runs with Anne/Run-DMZ. (Anne, if you're reading this, you are famous for your post run baked goodies.) I also met several others who belong to the SDTC, who were exuberant about running and about the club. Now I really have to join.
My husband finished the race with a decent time, considering that he didn't train. He came in at around 2:50. We're still waiting for the results to be posted on the internet site. I found my results posted at the event, but my husband's weren't posted at that time. A very cool thing that I was able to do was watch my husband finish his race and be the one to place his finisher's medal around his neck.
We brought a camera and took several pictures, but SOMEONE left the USB cable at work, and for some unknown reason, the media card won't fit into the appropriate slot on the computer. I'll post those pictures another day, when the USB cable is present. The picture above is from my cell phone, at the IB Pier, right after the race. My husband is in the very center of the photo, white shorts and white shirt.
After feeling blah about my runs all Summer, it's a wonderful feeling to be back in the swing of things, and feel revived and good about my running. A PR highlights how much better I feel. It's about time!
What a great race report!!! Congrats again!!! So glad that you had a good time and that the weather was nice. From visiting San Diego last summer, I can kind of pinpoint where you started and ended up.
That's great Irene - a beautiful day, a great race and sharing it with your husband. So cool!
Ooooh, ooooh -- one I know -- Jesus Jackson!!!
I'll be back to comment after I read more than just the post title! :)
YAY!!!! So happy for you!!! What a great day!
that's awesome. it sounds like the weather was perfect and you were in a groove.
What a small, awesome world the running community is! I ran a couple of training runs with Alexis as she prepared for this half, before I got injured. I'm so happy to hear you did so well, Irene. That course is great, but only if the weather cooperates. Love the finish, as apparently you and Michael did too. One of these days, we'll run another race together.
Wow what a different world weather wise down there Lucky you to have that sorta days to run in ! AWESOME job!
very cool that you got to give your hubby his medal. That must have been nice racing "together"
Wow, Irene! Congratulations on your PR. Also congratulations to your husband for finishing without training. That must have been tough.
Thanks again! I hope you're able to visit San Diego again, soon! I'd love to meet you.
I was so proud of my DH. He did virtually no training, other than the sprinting he gets at soccer on Sunday.
Winner!!! Who do you think I got the song from???
It was a really great day. :)
Amazingly, it didn't rain until later on in the day. I'm glad we had some sun and cool breezes for the run.
I heard mixed reviews about the course, but the weather was perfect and everyone around me was running, meaning, no weaving in and out of crowds! I saw that sign ups are this week for SDTC. I have a big note on my computer for that day! Take care of yourself so we'll all be able to run together!
I guess it's all relative. I've never run in snow before but I have run in freezing temps! Thanks!
They seemed rather casual about handing out the medals, so they let me put the medal on my hubbie. I was so happy for him because at the last HM he was sick and finished in 3:06.
Thanks! It felt good to PR this half marathon,especially knowing I was so close to reaching a PR at the Nike Women's Half Marathon. My hubbie says he's pretty sore, almost like he ran a marathon.
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