I'm still battling this pesky cold. The tough part is having so much to do and I just don't feel up to it. I *had* to go out to Costco this morning. I thought I'd go right at opening but it was already busy five minutes into it. It wasn't too bad, though, not like it will be tomorrow. I came away with just a few essentials, plus Christmas cards, Led Zeppelin's "Mothership" CD, and a stop at the pharmacy to put my name on the national registry because I bought a box of Claritin D for my cold and allergies. I understand why I have to sign the registry, but it still makes me feel strange, as if
I'm a criminal. I sure hope the Claritin kicks in soon.
I also have that 5k at Petco Park on Thanksgiving Day. I was hoping to shake things up and attempt something faster than a 8:35ish minute mile (which is what I'm averaging for my 5k's right now), but this cold just isn't letting up. I'm still participating, I'm just not punching it.
Enjoy your Tuesday.

WOw, didn't know you had to do that at Costco for some allergy pills. Interesting.
Good luck on your run on Thanksgiving. I hope you will magically be feeling much better!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Eveylne - You have to do that anywhere in the United States. I think it was last year where they put into place law stating you have purchase decongestants with psuedoephedrine from behind the counter, limit one box, and you have to sign a registry. You can't purchase another box for several weeks. I guess psuedoephedrine is a component in making a particular street drug. Many drug companies changed that component in their decongestants so the consumer wouldn't have to make the purchase from behind the counter at the Pharmacy, but, IMHO, those don't work as well.
kool and the gang - give me that stuff that funky stuff....
i can't imagine being at costco anytime during the week before thanksgiving... ironically, i found myself there three years ago on the wednesday before. EEK!
Have a great, congestion-free Thanksgiving, Irene!
Barbie - Winner! I try to not set foot in Costco when I know it's going to be super busy. I had my foot run over by a shopping car wheel because someone was in a mad hurry to get some sample of food that was popular. I was wearing canvas Keds. That hurt! The guy totally ignored me and never said sorry.
Anne - Thanks! I hope it's congestion free!
Shopping for meaningless crap isn't the meaning of life? Love it!
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