I picked up our race numbers and t-shirts yesterday. It looks like this run will be a busy one. There were many who pre-registered and many who were just signing up. Thanksgiving 5ks or Turkey Trots are popular, but I've never run in one before. I think I initially like the idea of sleeping in and watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade on TV with the kids, preparing what ever it is I was to assigned bring to the feast (usually homemade pies and potato rolls), and thinking that I was glad I didn't sign up for a run because there was so much to do. This year signing up for a Turkey Trot/Thanksgiving Day run was part of the PDB Mega Challenge, which is the only reason I had signed up. My kids are now adults and the only kid at home, my 4 year old grandson, doesn't care too much to watch the parade. Someone else is making pies and rolls this year, so I'm bringing a bean dish and a carrot dish, which I'm prepping tonight. All I have to do is add the herbs and steam the veggies right before we leave for my in law's house, so there really isn't much labor intensive cooking involved.... Perhaps this Thanksgiving day 5k will become a new tradition? Time will tell.
We are not doing a Turkey Trot, but a bunch of us are getting together for a quick morning run. I have two pies in the oven and one ready to go in - we have to drive 2.5 hours north, so I need them done today.
Have fun at the race and enjoy the beginning of a new tradition!
I love homemade pie! Have a wonderful TG day, Michelle!
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