Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I'm Not Running Anymore

... At least for two weeks.

Question of the day:

Why is it when I have a morning to just sleep in, all of the animals (three cats and one dog) go nuts and want in or out HOURS before I was supposed to wake up? *sigh* When one wants out, then they all decide to go out, but not all at the same time. Then they all want back in, and not at the same time, either. We really need one of these:

Not the kid and the dog, the doggie door... We already have a kid and a dog, thankyouverymuch.

So much for sleeping in. I think the only way I could ever sleep in (any more) is if I were on vacation by myself, but how much fun would that be? Wait, don 't answer that. A day of alone time could be total bliss and recharge the battery...

My right foot is still rather sore and I'm going to take time off of my feet from running for the next couple of weeks, just to be on the safe side. No running means no track club this week and perhaps part of next week. I'm also taking it relatively easy at home and doing the R.I.C.E. thing for the foot when I can, and that helps quite a bit. This little foot issue hasn't deterred my sports therapy, though, as I'm able to work around it by doing alternate forms of the same exercises. I can still do most of the exercises except any form of pylometrics.

I'm not Irish, but I still make corned beef and wear green on St. Patty's day.

Sunday's song:
Don't Think Twice, It's Alright - Bob Dylan - She Do Run Run



Mel-2nd Chances said...

good luck with the foot... you're doing the right thing, hope it heals quickly for you!

KatieFeldmom said...

John Mellencamp

So sorry to hear that you're not running -- but it sounds like you are doing the right thing. Hope it heals quickly for you.

My dog has now decided that she wants let out every morning at 3:45, then she wants back in at 4:00. I don't get why she can't hold it -- she holds it during the day for 10 hours since I'm at work, but at night, she can't hold it?????? I think it's a conspiracy. And of course, I'm the ONLY one in the house who can hear her when she wants to be let out.

Pat said...

take care of the foot. I'm having some issues with my heal, but only when not running. At least that's my excuse.

Have a great St. Pat's day.

I consider every run or race a vacation by myself. Everyone can benefit from some alone time.

leslie said...

You're being smart -- very smart!
I've been getting up at 4:45 to get my son up for swim practice. Today was his last morning practice after six weeks of this schedule. How much do you want to bet I'll be up in the 4's tomorrow?

Back to the corned beef & cabbage watch...

Southbaygirl said...

I'm sorry your foot is bothering you-that sucks! I know foot pain! I used to deal with it all the time! At least you can still do some sort of exercise!!

Anne said...

I agree with Leslie that you're doing the smart thing and letting it heal instead of forging ahead. Maybe the animals will let you sleep in as an extra treat.

Deene said...

get some rest while you nurse your foot. enjoy the down time!

NotSoccer Mom said...

feel better soon! as for sleeping in, you could try my trick: last week when my son was sick he slept for 12 hours! i took advantage and slept 11 of those myself. woo hoo!

Irene said...

Thanks. I think it's helping.

A couple of weeks off in the big picture is way better than a couple of months! What is it with the animals? Winner!!!

I'm hopeful that a little time off will help in the big picture. Eventually we will get a doggie door, but the dilemma is where to put it.

I'm working on it.:) ... resting the foot.

Thanks. It kind of puts a crimp in the training but I really want to make it to the marathon this year!

I'm hoping it will heal quickly so I can get back to business as usual!

Thanks. I can only hope that the critters will cut me some slack.

Down time includes a lot of house stuff!

If I could get everyone on the same page I'd be set!