Date: 03/07/09 07:01 AM
Distance: 9.51 miles
Time: 1:38:19
Speed: 5.8 mph
Pace: 10' 21 min/mile
Calories: 911
Saturday morning's run was the Sue Krenn 15K. This is a track club sponsored event, so there's usually a lot of veteran track club members, but there was a pretty good showing of non-members as well. Some of my favorite bloggers were there, such as AKA Alice and Anne. I haven't run with Anne since the Balboa Park 8 mile run two years ago, so it was nice to run with her for about the first 3 miles of the race and briefly catch up on happenings. I also met another running blogger, Laura, who I have probably met before, but she's been away from running for a while. I also saw several track club friends who didn't run but volunteered at the race. My husband even saw a work colleague who ran the race as well. It was a day of reunions. I'm kicking myself for not bringing a camera.
The start of the run was a little confusing. There was no audible horn or buzzer to indicate that the race had started, at least I didn't hear anything. Everyone just started running. I'm guessing someone yelled "go." I did well when we ran on Fiesta Island, which has an asphalt road. It's when we ran along the bay path at Mission Bay park that I had some issues. It's all concrete and my legs felt heavy, but I paced myself with a young lady who was slightly in front of me, just to keep going. My right shoe dug into my ankle with about 2 miles left to run. I was running on the slanted side of the walk-way, just so I could stay out of the way of the on-coming traffic of kids from another run event that was going on at the same time at the opposite end of Mission Bay park. Amazingly, the kid traffic didn't interfere with my time too much, as I kept an even pace while following the young lady in front of me.
Around mile 4 of the race I used my iPod. I think this is the first race where I've used an iPod. I normally like to be completely aware of all the sounds around me when I run outdoors, but at the 10k back in January I was really distracted with two miles to go and I just wanted the run to be over. Having music when I needed it gave me somewhat of a mental boost, especially when my legs felt heavy. I finished the race to "Handlebars" by the Flobots.
1:39 and change was the approximate time on the race clock when I finished, but my GPS gave me 1:38:19. Final results haven't been posted yet, so it will be interesting to see those results, since it's not a chipped run and we actually ran 9.5 miles, not 9.3 miles. Several people were comparing the distances on their Garmins and other GPS devices. I'm guessing my results will be in the 1:40:00 range, just because it always seems that official results are usually higher for a non-chipped event. Regardless of time, I completed yet another goal, and that was to just finish the race.
Post race we went to the High Dive for breakfast. I felt pretty good at breakfast, but by the time we got home my ankle was swollen where the shoe dug into my foot. I'm doing the R.I.C.E thing and took an analgesic. I'm hoping the ankle will be OK soon. It just feels bruised.
My husband was having some issues with cramping and blisters during the race. He finished near the end of the pack. He' s fine now, but I think it was mostly a matter of his day-before-the-race glasses of wine and food choices... He finished at around 2 hours.
I was hoping to have pictures and official results to add to this post, but neither have been posted yet.
Wednesday's song:
Hey Muscles I Love You - Muscles
489 IRENE M 1936 49 16/27 F San Diego 1:37:53 10:31
Irene, It was great to meet you yesterday. You had an awesome race!
Take care of that ankle. I hope it gets to feeling better.
I will see you out there again on the road! Cheers!
A-ha, Michael conveniently left out his pre-race beverage and meal when mulling over how he felt yesterday! I had a blast running with you, especially given how chatty I was. Hey, I was just making up for lost time. And it was great to run together again...we need to do this more often! May your ankle heal very soon!!
And how uncanny that I *just* heard this song on the radio while I was rowing at the gym today. It's Adele!!
Great run!!!! Congrats!!! Look how fast you were running!
Pre-race beverages will do it everytime!!
Great job and what a run!!!!!
what a great way to get back into the swing of things!
Re EDIT: how 'bout that time?! Good going Irene!
It was good seeing you too, and fun! I hope to see you out there running more often. :)
It was like a homecoming of sorts, since just about everyone was there! I had a blast and I ran my fastest splits at miles 2 and 3, when we got in the groove of running.
Yep, one step at a time! My husband never listens... GAH!
Thanks! It was a very good morning.
I don't think I would enjoy running so much if it weren't for the people involved.
Miss Rachel,
Thanks! I guess I did better than I thought!
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