Saturday, April 19, 2008

Fix You

Today was a scheduled long run with the track club. We were supposed to run 17 miles from yet another lovely coastal community. We were pretty much set to go, even with the knee issues I had during the week, I figured I wouldn't have to run the whole way, and if we didn't run with the group we'd run a little closer to home.


Yesterday I noticed a small water puddle between the kitchen sink wall and the sunroom wall. I called my husband to notify him of the puddle and potential pipe leak and he said he knew what needed to be done. He figured it would be a removal and replacement of one small pipe and some PVC glue, and that would hold us over until we could get all the old 1947 cast iron pipes replaced. He began working on the pipes, thinking an hour would be sufficent time to fix the pipes, but the entire pipe broke off. The pipe was so old it had just rusted through and broke off with the smallest of movement.

At that point he called it a night and decided to tackle the project in the morning after we run.

Well... The run never happened. We both woke up too late, going on 9:00 am... It was a matter of getting breakfast and going to work on the pipes, which is now an all day project.

That's my excuse for not running today. I figured "the dog ate my homework" doens't work in this instance. Tomorrow is another day!

By the way, I had a whole other post planned about a local guy who ran his own marathon to qualify for the Boston Marathon. I'll post about that tomorrow.

Yesterday's song:
Year Of Tha Boomerang - Rage Against The Machine



leslie said...


Sorry to hear about the pipes, my friend.

Irene said...

As for the pipes, there's so much more to replace!!!! Ugh!

NotSoccer Mom said...

oh this is when i'm glad i only rent...! good luck with your pipes!

Irene said...

We knew what we were getting into with this house, we were hoping we could wait on a few things, like the pipes... ;)