It figures that my husband still has his camera and the formal picture in his possession at work. The plan was to post those pictures last night when he came home but we had no internet service from about noon yesterday until this morning. He forgot to leave the formal picture and his camera. Here's what I had on my camera:
Kyra and Chris
Michael and me
From the formal night dinner, stolen from the site. Top row - Me, Michael, Maggie, Chris. Bottom row: Phil, Cathy, Kyra, Chris. Phil (Phillydude) is from the group and was Cathy's dinner partner on the cruise.

Top 10 favorite things about the cruise:
10. A vacation in hot and balmy weather!
9. Not having to be the designated driver.
8. Someone else made our bed and brought us fresh towels daily. (I wish someone else would do that at home!)
7. Snorkeling amongst the colorful tropical fish and plants. I could almost hear the song "Under the Sea."
6. Swimming without pain.
5. Having dessert at the midnight buffet with the PDB group.
4. Finally getting to hear Maggie sing at karaoke. She can really sing!
3. Beating tropical storm Fay out of Florida.
2. Meeting Maggie, Chris, Kyra, Chris, Cathy and Phil, and the rest of the JSF gang.
1. Meeting Maggie, Chris, Kyra, Chris, Cathy and Phil, and the rest of the JSF gang!
I promise not to drag out the cruise pictures/posts. Just one more post once my husband scans the formal picture and downloads everything off of his camera.
Tuesday's song:
Storm Coming - Gnarles Barkley - Barbie2be
LOL well, I am dragging them out. ;) Probably driving everyone batty too.
It really was wonderful meeting you guys... although you and I look as if we're stuck in a wind tunnel that day! Did you see Maggie's "booty" shot line-up? LOL
I TOLD you all that the booty line up pics were always winners. ;)
I'll post up a high res version of it if there isn't one already up in my Picasa gallery so you can print it out. ;)
Love the top 10 list and can't wait to see the pics on your DH's camera, Irene!
Sebastian from The Little Mermaid
Love your top 10!!! I wish someone would make my bed and bring fresh towels daily as well.
Er...just posting a filler here so I can check off the Email Follow-Up Comments box!
You all look fabulous! Glad you beat Fay out of FLA!
I'm most excited by No. 6 on your list. Swimming pain-free! A sure sign that your body is readying for a new phases of exercise. Looks like fun times aboard the cruise. Looking forward to hearing more.
I might drag out a few more pics... Nothing wrong with a little wind blown hair... It made styling easy that evening. My hair was extra fluffy. :) As for the bootie line up, Michael had virtually no bootie, but it was still a great shot! Again, it was great meeting you!
LOL... Bootie shot!
I'll try and post a higher res. picture of the formal shot, and see if I can get that to work. If not I'll e-mail it. We have a new scanner and we're still tweaking it.
Winner! The waters off of Nassau had some gorgeous sea life.
AKA Alice,
We were so glad to beat out Fay!
It's still tight muscles but swimming is great! I'm hoping the muscles loosen up soon enough and I'll be out there running with you all soon. If not running, then at least some brisk walking.
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