A- Available or single? Neither
B- Best Friend? Linda
C- Cake or Pie? Cake, but I love a really good, home-made apple pie.

D- Drink of Choice? Water, fresh made lemonade
E- Essential Item? BE Mineral powder that works just like concealer. It covers EVERYTHING.
F- Favorite Color? I have no real favorite color, since I like all colors depending on what context they're being used, which makes it difficult when decorating, but I am in a green phase right now.
G- Gummi Bears or Worms? Both
H- Hometown? San Diego, CA
I- Indulgence? Bubble bath in a giant spa tub.
J- January or February? February - Valentine's Day
K- Kids and names? Renee, Erik
L- Life is incomplete without? My family, air, music.
M- Marriage Date? December 11, 1982
N- Number of Siblings? Two
O- Oranges or Apples? Apples
P- Phobias/Fears? Traffic
Q- Favorite Quote? "We're having keys and parrots with dinner." -- My son Erik at age 4, mixed up the words peas and carrots.
R- Reason to Smile? Evan
S- Season? Summer
T- Tag three people! Who ever wants to do this, go for it!
U- Unknown Fact about Me? I went to Catholic school for 12 years. Years 1 though 8 were comical... (I'm being sarcastic)

V- Vegetable you hate? Peas

W- Worst Habit? I wiggle my foot/feet when I get nervous
Y- Your Favorite Food? Pizza, dark chocolate
Z- Zodiac? Gemini

The AZRNR Half Marathon time-keepers changed hubbie's time AGAIN. It now says he finished in 2:45. Chuck and Sylvia now finished in 2:52. My time remains the same.
"We're having keys and parrots with dinner."
So cute!!!!!!!
keys and parrots! hehehehe...
the romantics? i haven't heard that song in about a million years. keep on whispering in my hear, tell me all the things that i want to hear, cos it's true... that's what i like about you!
I should bring that comment up to him now that he's 19... :)
Winner!!!! It reminds me of hubbie's college years...
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