Yesterday I was still feeling icky and not very productive, so I decided to take care of a few lose ends, such as making sure all of our accounts had the new address, etc. While filling out forms with the new address, it occured to me that I didn't update my current ID, so, I updated my shoes.

I meant to say that I bought an
ID tag that attaches to one of my running shoes, so if I can't speak for myself, people helping me will know who I am. I purchased one for hubbie too. I usually run with my driver's license in my mini fanny pack thingy, but I always have to remind myself to put the license back in my wallet. Which reminds me, my drivers license is now obsolete...

Now, I have to update my driver's license. I wish it were as easy as ordering the id tag on the internet...
That sounds like a wise purchase. I hope you're feeling better too. We're all sick here. Blaaahhhh!
alanis morrisette
what a great idea... i need to get me one of those id tags too.
hope you are feeling better soon.
I'm so glad you got that. I have one too. Us distance running girls need to be prepared for everything.
Speaking of running, I'm planning to get back into running, so I'm sure I'll be looking to you for some sympathy about how hard it is! But then again, hard work pays off, right? Right!
It actually is easy to update the driver's license. I just wrote the new address on the back -- there's a strip for it. It lasts until the card expires and then when you go to DMV you can make the appropriate changes for the next version.
Yes, Shoe ID = very good idea.
Very Good idea for you! I've seen them & thought they were great!
and I just keep my business card in my fanny pack. I was always worried that a stranger wouldn't know to look at my shoes if I were lying in the street, but hopefully the folks at the hospital would.
another thing you can do is photo copy your drivers license, put 'for emergency purposes only' on it and laminate. That way you have it in your pack.
Arizona, USA
That reminds me, I need to get one of those. Not that it's a priority right now since it's been 20F with wind chill outside.
Hope you feel better!
What's up with all this flu business, anyway??? I hope you're feeling better, too.
You're on a roll! Winner! They have wrist bands, too, but I wear a watch and (sometimes) other things that go on the wrist.
Brrrr... I have a freind who lives in VA, and is actually training in that weather. I'd much rather be inside. :)
Cool! Are you training for anything in particular?
I forgot all about that until you mentioned it. Thanks for the reminder. The shoe thing just seemed practical and simple.
I probably should of had one much sooner.
Great ideas! I used to a business card, as well.
What did you use for your quote?
Hope you're feeling better.
I didn't put a quote :( Perhaps I should have.
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