Wednesday, February 01, 2006

What's On Your Fridge?

The exterior of my fridge:

The freezer side has 3 magnets that are of a tabby cat (that looks like Lumpy), A Gibson Les Paul guitar, and an amplifier.

The refrigerator side has a photo copied and laminated food chart from the "Body For Life" book, which has been there for about 6 years now, and a butterfly magnet that I purchased while parking in the lot at Seaport Village, just so I could get my parking validated.

The left side of the fridge that isn't covered by cabinets has all kinds of crap on it, such as photos of friends and relatives, a print out of the San Diego Rock N Roll Marathon route, car magnets, a spam magnet, a comic strip of "Adam @ Home," and other miscellaneous magnets...

So there you have it. My refrigerator.

Yes, I was bored, but I couldn't sleep, so this is what I did at 3 AM...

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