Last night was the finale of Bravo TV's Top Chef. I currently don't follow a lot of TV shows but I was drawn to Top Chef's season 3. I really enjoyed seeing the skills of each chef, the culinary delights or disappointments that the chefs would come up with, the melding or clashing of certain personalities, and the anticipation of who would hear "pack your knives and go." I didn't follow season 2 very closely when it was initially on, but Bravo rebroadcasts their shows a gazillion times, so I eventually caught up once that season was over.

if it's happening on other stations as well. About 6 stations in a row were pixeled and frozen. *UGH*... Obviously, it's my cable service having some sort of satellite transmission problem. I thought I could just jump on the internet and watch from my computer but I couldn't find a feed for Bravo. Then I thought, just maybe, I could find a chat or a board that discussed who the winner was, since the broadcast was eastern time, three hours ahead. Nada. I'd just resigned myself to find out who won via internet the next morning, and tried to settling in to watch something else, but kept checking to see if the frozen screen was still there.

Now that Top Chef is over, I'm anticipating Bravo's next season of "Project Runway."
I fell asleep before the finale started, but maybe my cable would have done the same thing. I wish Casey would have won, or Derek, since he's had it rough prior to the show. But, all three were worthy unlike last season, where I didn't think the right chef won.
You are amazing with plants, by the way. I know where to go now when one of mine needs rehab.
Weird. We both have food pictures on our blogs today. Mine's a beef dish (i hope).
I forgot. I was going to guess
We have Time-Warner, so I don't know if it was just them or other carriers as well. RE: Top Chef season 3 - It was a really good season and I felt like the personalities went together well for the most part, not so much controversy and stupidity, as in Season 2. Now for plants - If I could figure out orchids, then I'd really have something! I've managed to kill all but one.
Hmmm, that is interesting, however I would much rather go for a hotdog at the Ball Park than duck with truffle. As for the song, keep guessing. ;)
I’ve only watched maybe three episodes of Top Chef but it seems like everyone has been talking about this season. Looks like I’ll have to check out the reruns!
Why o why did I call Dale Derek in my earlier comment?!
I watched the rerun last night and think the judge's made the right decision. And, yeah, orchids are a tough one, though I've managed to hold on to one of mine (a birthday gift) for about five years. I think it just blew away in this wind though!
Never watched the show. Saw bits and pieces of last season and didn't care for it. My brother-in-law is a chef, wish he lived closer!
I don't know why I got so hooked this time. I didn't watch the first season at all. I think I started watching because a coworker mentioned something about it in Season 2.
I get my own kid's names wrong all the time! LOL... The thing with my orchid now is trying to get it to bloom again.
Good to see you here! I know what you mean. I had no interest in it until my coworker mentioned something about it. This season, I think, was much better.
i was so disappointed that hung won. i couldn't stand how cocky he was through the whole series. i wanted to beat him with a zucchini.
Yeah, I know! But, it wasn't a personality contest... I can't wait to see the reunion show!
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