Date: 10/05/07 10:41 AM
Distance: 12.34 miles
Time: 2:18:26
Speed: 5.3 mph
Pace: 11' 13 min/mile
Calories: 1168
What the above stats don't show is how incredibly windy it was. I had a good, steady pace for the first 3 miles, in the 9:50 to 10:00 min/mi range, then it was all a struggle from there. It was so windy that I was actually having regrets about doing this run today, and I tried to justify that it would have been easier to run up and down "THE HILL" several times to fit in at least 12 miles. I can't remember a run where my quads were so tight right afterwards - probably from pushing myself into the wind. I ran at the bay, my ususal route, except for a little detour towards the Sea World parking lot, just to get in the miles. It was so windy that I could see sand clouds in the distance, and I was dreadding that I'd have to be running throught that. I was also thinking that I could actually fit in 13.1 miles, but it was so windy that, somewhere around mile 8 or 9 I lost a full water bottle off of my hydration belt, and that would have been enough to carry me thorugh mile 13. I couldn't even hear the bottle drop because my ears were very wind blown and actually hurt. I'm glad this run is over. San Francisco has to be better! No, San Francisco WILL be better!

Wish we could have run together today, but up HERE, not down THERE! I did 13.1, but the last 5 were tough. Not nearly as tough as your run, though. Also, I think my Forerunner is on crack, because it thinks I burned 1800 or so calories on today's run, which is WAY different than your stat. But do I care? Not at all. I enjoyed every bite of my Noah's onion bagel with veggie shmear -- YUM!!!
I'm so excited about SF, and if it's typical October SF weather, it will be PERFECT for running -- crisp, clear, and beautiful!
I walked today in the wind and it felt great. But running might not.
And I believe it's The Association. I know it was one of those 60s bands on AM radio.
It was windy in AZ too. But, not that windy. it kept lifting my hat.
Do you know what I have in common with the band Train?
the association?
it should be beautiful in SF for the half.
don't hate me but i think i decided not to do the rome marathon. instead i plan to do the italy breast cancer walk.
the italian breast cancer walk is a seven-day breast cancer walk with five full days of walking through central italy.
The wind equivalent distance is 13.1. Just kidding though I am sure it feels that way. Good job.
That run made you a little bit tougher for San Francisco! Way to go. :-)
I think the Association, also. Now I can't get the song out of my head.
I wish we could have run together! I don't know how accurate my calories are on my WRT, either. I'm also VERY excited about SF! I'm looking forward to it!
You're the first to guess correctly, so you're the winner!!! Running was a dog that day. Walking might have been pleasant!
It's not so windy right now. What do you have in common with Train? I dunno... Give me a hint!
No, I don't hate you... It's still an event and it's still in Europe!
Hmmm, you have a point, there! It's kind of like figuring in the wind chill factor, right? Heeee!
I sure hope so!
I'm working on a product that makes hydration easier. It's a water bottle that straps to your arm. Check it out and let me know your thoughts:
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