Date: 10/30/07 10:44 AM
Distance: 2.66 miles
Time: 0:27:49
Speed: 5.7 mph
Pace: 10' 27 min/mile
Calories: 255
Since the air quality has improved, I thought I'd be OK to do a very short and easy run today. It's my first run since the NWHM on 10/21/07. Today is probably the first day since we came home from SF that it doesn't smell like smoke in the air. I didn't have any breathing issues, but I didn't go out with full on speed, run up THE HILL, or try to break any records. I just kept it easy.

Could it be a song I know? Genesis from the Phil Collins days?
Glad the smoke is clearing! And way to go for your husband.
nice run, considering the particles in the air.
good luck to your hubbie next weekend.
I'm so glad you and your family are safe. These fires were a real tragedy.
I finally went for a run last night with my running group. I was surprised at how difficult it was! I ran a little over three miles, then today I did the same only I ran by myself. It was still tough.
Tell your husband I said good luck on his half marathon!
good luck to both of you on the half. hey, are you going to enter one of your runs as a bizarre run on my blog? We'll let people read about them on halloween and vote on their favorites.
Glad things are clearing up and you're able to get out and run!
Cathy - Winner!
Barbie2be - It wasn't so bad, but I didn't go long just in case.
Dori - Considering you've just ran a marathon in SF, with all those hills, I'm amazed you're jumping right back into running. Nice job!
Pat - Unless you consider getting out yesterday in almost OK weather, then perhaps that's a bizarre run? I guess that's really stretching it...
Smartypantz - It feels good to get back to something "normal."
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