After babysitting for a friend yesterday, I hit the outlet mall near their house, in search of a pink athletic top to go with my pink running skirt. I'm usually all about function and comfort over cuteness when it comes to running clothes, but the Nike Women's Half marathon and Marathon are geared more towards women, and I thought it would be fun to get some new garb and be all girl-y girl in pink. I normally don't seek out the pink clothes, and for some reason I thought it would be easy to find a top to match my new pinky-pink skirt. The task was easier said than done. The Nike outlet store had pink tops, only in x-tra large. I normally take a small or a medium, depending on the cut. I did find a singlet in my size for about $10 that had nothing to do with what I was looking for, but it was a bargain that I couldn't pass up. Over at the Adidas store, I did find several pink tops, but since I didn't have the actual skirt with me, I could only guess on the color, and made a purchase. Once I arrived home, I put the pink skirt and the pink top together. I thought the pinks didn't match quite right, and It sort of hurt to look at the two pinks together. My husband has an eye for color, and he seemed to think I could get away with wearing the two different pinks, but in the light of day, the pinks fight with each other, and loudly. Maybe if I were a 5 year old girl this look could work, but it didn't work on this 48 year old woman... I wonder how PinkChick - Dawn does it? She always wears her signature color, pink, to her run events. Since I had to trek out run errands this morning, I brought the skirt with me and matched it up to another top, which actually matches the color of the stripe on the pink skirt, and the colors don't fight. ;) Maybe I should have just stuck with function and comfort instead of fashion. Well, at least I'll be findable in a big crowd...
Oh yeah, I mentioned baby sitting. My friend and his wife have a 5 month old daughter. His wife went back to work for the first time in well over a year. I am officially their daughter's first babysitter. At 5 months old, she is but a rolly-polie ball of cuteness. So far, as babies go, she seemed easy-going and didn't pitch a fit when her parents left. Thank goodness... Once mom and dad returned, they offered me dinner and I obliged. While dining, they asked if my husband and I would be their daughter's Godparents. Wow. I was very surprised that they asked us, but very honored.
Regarding my last post:
I should have been a little more specific to what I wrote. The issue with my brother and talking is more of a sibling thing. I truly believe we want what's best for each other, but we still drive each other nuts. My brother is very high strung and regimented. I'm not high strung (or maybe not as high strung, if you ask my husband) and tend to go with the flow. We don't run at the same speed when it comes to running or life. My brother is a great guy and has been one of my biggest supporters when I started running. He just expects that I'll eventually "catch up" to him. I can run and talk, as long as you run and talk at my speed, and don't mind if I happen not to say anything from time to time.
I'll be back on Monday or Tuesday with my half marathon report!

I agree with the photo - Pink does solve
As for matchy matchy on the pink, I never really worry about it and often have a couple of different shaded of pink on. I will usually try to keep them close but sometimes I just don't care long as I got my pink
Enjoy your new outfit.
Thanks for checking out my blog! I love pink (even though I'm not much of a "girlie girl" and I agree, you can wear most shades of pink together and it works just because it's pink! Good luck in the half, you'll do great!
Hi Irene...I always know that I can come here for motivation! You are the best! Congrats on becoming a god parent. Hugs, Dede
I love pink so it sounds like a good outfit to me. I'm sure you'll look fab! Good luck on the half marathon!
jason mraz!
well, you know how i feel about pink of any hue. :)
have fun!
Good Luck- Can't wait for the race report.
I'm really impressed. I tried running way back (I'm 77 now) but my legs and feet just wouldn't take it but I walk, every single day, even here in Wisconsin. I love it. I found peace and quiet for many years which is what I talk about in my blog.
Mary the Merry Sailor
It was great meeting you Saturday! I hope the half went well!
Hey Irene
Hope you had a great half marathon.
Also, I'm watching the fires in San Diego on the news. Hope you and yours are safe.
Dawn - It was fun wearing all pink! A lot of people noticed and commented!
Nat - Thanks for visiting! I just wanted to do something different this time! It was fun.
Dede! Good to see you here! Thanks for the kind words. :)
Rachel - Thanks! I had a great day.
Barbie2be - Yes, I know!!! Every time I see something pink I think of you and Dawn Pink Chick. If I ever do another event up there we'll have to renezvous with NSM and meet in real life. Winner!
Waddler26.2 - It was a really good day!
Antique Sailor - Thanks for visiting!
Elizabeth - It was great meeting you! I hope we're able to meet again!
Cathy - I did enjoy this event and I hope you'll consider doing this event in the future. We're doing OK with the fires but watching closely because ANYTHING can happen.
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