Last weekend was spent at the house working on the oak floors... It's amazing what a person can do with the right equipment. Saturday afternoon, hubbie rented a vibrating sander, about the size of a lawnmower and we knocked out two bedrooms, hallway, living room and dining room in one afternoon. Sheesh. I wasted time sanding part of the hallway floor with a hand held belt sander last weekend. It was still a pretty good workout, sanding the floors with that huge sander, but it was well worth the effort because the floors are smooth as silk. Hubbie and I stayed the night at the house.
Sunday we ran in the
Shelter Island 5k walk/run. This is the event with the brunch afterwards. We arrived somewhat late, but with just enough time to walk to the starting area, barely any time to get our bearings, and the announcer said "runners, take your marks." I didn't hear any announcements that they were starting in a few minutes or anything like that. Perhaps I missed it, but we were off. No time for gum or throat lozenge. No time to set my stop watch. I still had my jacket on and realized it too late, so I wrapped it around my waist. I wasn't even warmed up yet and my legs felt like lead. After mile one my cell phone fell out of my mini fanny pack, which is just big enough for a cell phone and ID. I'm not sure how that happened but it did, and that slowed me down. I didn't stop for water at the water table. Before the end of the run at mile 3 I felt like barfing. I finished in 27:16.

Ironically, I finished just behind the same lady I finished with last year, but I didn't realize it until after the run was over. I felt good about my time because I really didn't train for this event and I would have been happy with a 30 minute finish. Last year I finished this event about 45 seconds faster. Hubbie finished in about 33 minutes. Our whole objective to this 5K run was the brunch. We did meet a very nice couple who stumbled upon this run last year, as we did, and returned for the brunch. I also saw my cousin working the
Naked Juice booth, so that was nice. I didn't realize it, but photos were being taken at this run. Since I wrapped my jacket around my waist, it covered my number, which was #336. Here's a
half picture of me towards the end, next to #78. Since my number was covered there is no full picuture of me. I'll take what I can get... (
I kind of like how the muscles in my leg that's pictured are popping out.)I had asked hubbie to bring his camera. He did bring the camera but he left it in the car, 3.1 miles away... OH WELL. After the brunch was over, hubbie had a soccer game to play in and I went back to the house to prep the woodb for the polyurethane. I polyed two rooms, then went back to the other house, showered and went to bed. Hubbie and I had a full day.
Monday I had my son drive me back to the house (so he could have the car to get to classes) and I worked on the floors, completeing the hallway, livingroom and part of the diningroom. Today was a day off from working on the "new" old house and stayed home to pack and do laundry. Upper body workout will happen during
Dancing With The Stars.That's it.
EDIT - 8 sets circuits, 15 reps each Bench dips, push ups, upright rows, bicep curls.
Go Irene!
(Song: CSN or Madness?)
Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young (and it's a very sweet song!)
Your leg does look great! I'm excited to follow your progress as you, well, progress! Keep up the great work on the house.
Great ½ picture of you!
For going in without a proper warmup, you did alright, Irene. I've seen Monte (the guy in the photo) at local races...or maybe it's the track. Either way, sounds like you and hubbie earned that brunch. I need to join you next year.
Good job on your 5K! You probably would have been faster if you didn't have to stop to pick up your phone. But still. Hope you enjoyed your brunch.
BTW, I'm always astonished at how much easier a task is with the right tool. Power tools rock. :-)
Tom was here!
Love the pic. Your leg does look great.
Great job on the 5k time. It probably was a suprise to see the same person again'
Rachel - Winner! I was going for either Madness or CSN&Y...
Leslie - Winner, too! I wished I would have known they were taking pictures -- Oh well, at least I have some sort of docutmentation that I was there... We might start moving THIS weekend!
Katie - Thanks! 1/2 is better than nothing. ;)
Anne - It was a good event to attend and I hope to see you at it next year.
Dori - Ironically, I'm not the one usually carrying stuff on run events, it's my husband who usually does, but this year he left EVERYTHING in the car... I really didn't need my cell phone. My only purpose of having it was to call my husband when I finished so I could tell him where to meet me inside the brunch area...
Tom - Thanks for stopping by! LOL about the leg... I would like it to look like that when I'm not running...
Waddler!!! I thought it was interesting that I ran in with the same person as last year since I was slower. It was a good run, anyway. ;)
Hey, nice leg! Can I borrow it for my next race?
Sister Smile - I'll trade you my leg for your sub 4 hour marathon time! LOL!
Evelyne - I only carried the phone because I thought hubbie had his... Refinishing the floors was/is a lot of work. We did the floors in a house we used to live in, so we would only do one room at a time, and it took a LONG time!
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