Monday, April 28, 2008


Tonight I attended a Team in Training meeting for the Nike Women's Marathon and Half Marathon and two other events. The presentation explained why they are raising money for lymphoma and leukemia, and the people who are affected. They showed a video of TnT participants and the excitement of being a part of events, people cheering, etc... They talked about training, mentoring, a person with leukemia or lymphoma who you are running for, and the part about fundraising. I would need to raise $3,300.00. Yes, $3,300.00. A portion of that goes to training, transportation, lodging, and a couple of TNT pre and post event gatherings. They also discussed how they would guide us with the fundraising part, and they also mentioned that most people find that to be the most intimidating part of joining TNT. Yes, I am intimidated. The presentation itself was nice, and we met with some of the coaches. My coworker attended as well, and she had more training questions than I did, since this is her first long distance run event, and she is running for her husband, who has just been told he is in remission of lymphoma. Right now everything they presented to us seems very cut and dry. You do the fundraising and you get to be a part of an event that is sold out. I won't know how it is, exactly, until/if/when I sign up. I'll decide in a few days. I've heard from some people that TNT makes you feel like a rock star, but I've also heard from several track club members who have participated in TNT is that the training isn't as organized as what the SDTC has, but SDTC isn't a fundraising group. (In fact, one of the favorite routes TNT runs is actually a route that one of the former SDTC coaches designed). When I brought home the TNT information to my husband, he was floored with the dollar amount. I also brought up something they told us about corporate sponsorship, if his office donated a certain dollar amount, his office logo would go on my singlet. He replied with "I can go to Staples and get a computer generated iron-on transfer thing and put my logo on your singlet for $5." GAH! I told him that wasn't the point and that if I was going to do this TNT thing I would need his support.

As I had stated in my last post, I had/have mixed feelings about TNT. Fundraising was the biggie. I feel weird about asking friends, family and colleagues for money, but I do understand the reason behind it. It's horrible to lose someone to cancer. I know first hand. It rips your life into a zillion pieces when you lose someone you love to an untimely death due to cancer. Raising money for research, treatment and awareness will help to wipe out cancer. The other mixed feelings part is that, even though training is offered, many TNT particpants are not completely prepared to take on a marathon. Many are newbies who didn't put in enough training. I've talked to an RN who volunteers at the SDRNR Marathon medical tents that the majority of the injured she treats are TNT members. It is honorable that they want to step out of themselves for a great cause, and perhaps the pain is worth the effort, and I do applaude that. There are some other touchy points with non TNT runners, such as race ettiquite - like when trying to pass and you say something like "On your left" - and none of them move over so you can pass, and feeling left out of the groups only cheering for the "Team." I cheer for everyone, not just people from my own little group.

The only way for me to find out about TNT is to do it for myself. However, as of right now, I am still undecided.

Yesterday's song:
Reach For Tomorrow - Ella Fitzgerald



Flo said...

I went through that same thought process because I really want to do the Nike Women's Marathon. I trained with TNT once before in 1999. I didn't do the marathon due to an injury but I did not like the whole thing. The head coach is a guy who qualifies for Boston every year and if you don't run 7 minute miles you are left to the 'other' coaches. I don't know, I didn't like it and said I would never go back.. And they piss me off at races too :)

Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds like a good cause. The whole fundraising amount thingy, um, yeah, I'd be standing there with my mouth hung open when they told me that amount. What happens if you DON'T raise that amount?? Good luck with your decision making!

Miss Rachel said...

I may be a real Negative Nellie, but even with the dollar amount aside, it sounds like some real turn-offs. I don't care for the holier than thou attitude that some people have towards others who don't support "their" cause. Did they ever think that maybe we support causes that they don't; we just don't have a big "team" (or the United Way) behind us? And not moving aside because you're not on the team? Inexcusable. I guess this post kind of hit a nerve with me.

Anyway, as Evelyne said, good luck with your decision.

KatieFeldmom said...

Holy Moly on the amount that you need to raise. I'm with Evelyne .... what happens if you don't raise that much? WOW.

leslie said...

I agree with your thoughts on TNT. I think TNT is GREAT if you've never run distance before, or if you're committed to fundraising for their (very worthy) cause. For me at this time it just doesn't make sense. As I said, I'll keep you posted re: San Jose RNR Half.

barbie2be said...


i kept meaning to email you and tell you that they are heavily pushing the TNT thing here to for the nike.

it is a LOT of money. my niece did the tucson century ride and had to raise almost $4000. and what she had not raised before race day she had to pay herself.

that is what scared me away from doing the rome marathon with TNT. i would have had to raise almost $7,000.

Michelle said...

well, that's interesting. i bet i end up passingy on these tnt things. i'm not big into clicks or groups or whatever. i'll probably still go to the informational meeting to see 1: how much they expect locals to raise and 2: see what the sales pitch is like. if you're seriously considering doing it, it must be good. i'm anxious to see what you decide.

Irene said...

I think what TNT offers is pretty good for newbies, and it is a good cause, but in all honesty, the races I do enjoy the most are non TNT events.

I didn't realize it would be so much money! If you don't raise the $3,300, you either have to pay the difference or drop out.

It is for a good cause, BUT they do need to work on race ettiquite. I'm hoping that's something that will change.

Yeah, a lot more money than I anticipated!

Most track club members have told me that our track club is much better for newbies than TNT. They said that TNT does prepare a newbie, but not enough.

Wow, winner! I wasn't sure if anyone was going to guess. Funny thing, Anne (Run-DMZ) says she's trying to be one step ahead of you in the song title guessing, but you always beat her! LOL! $7,000 is a lot of dough to raise for the Rome marathon! Yikes.

I'll keep you posted about what I decide, but if I don't go I'll most definitly help support you in the fundraising. I'll keep you posted.

Irene said...

We must have been on line at the same time, because once I posted my comments, yours showed up! It's a little less for your area, mostly because transportation and lodging. I don't want to judge too quickly, though, since I've never participated in TNT, I can't say if it actually is or isn't the thing for me. I'll let you know!